You will ONLY be able to reset your password, if you created your account with an email address.
Enter your username below and click 'CONTINUE'.
Counselors, if you did not set up your own account or did not link your current account with your current email address, ask your district administrator to reset your password.
VCCS students, use your MyVCCS password to login or reset it at
Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors, & Illustrators
Also called:
Fine Artist,
Career Cluster:Arts, Audio/Video Technology & Communications
What they do: Create original artwork using any of a wide variety of media and techniques.
On the job, you would:
Use materials such as pens and ink, watercolors, charcoal, oil, or computer software to create artwork.
Integrate and develop visual elements, such as line, space, mass, color, and perspective, to produce desired effects, such as the illustration of ideas, emotions, or moods.
Confer with clients, editors, writers, art directors, and other interested parties regarding the nature and content of artwork to be produced.
Engineering and Technology
computers and electronics
Manufactured or Agricultural Goods
manufacture and distribution of products
Arts and Humanities
English language
music, dance, visual arts, drama, or sculpture
Education and Training
teaching and course design
Basic Skills
figuring out how to use new ideas or things
thinking about the pros and cons of different ways to solve a problem
Problem Solving
noticing a problem and figuring out the best way to solve it
Hand and Finger Use
keep your arm or hand steady
hold or move items with your hands
Ideas and Logic
create new and original ideas
come up with lots of ideas
listen and understand what people say
communicate by speaking
People interested in this work like activities that include creating, designing, and making your own rules.
K12 students, you already have an account! Your counselor must reset your password. Please email with questions.
VCCS students, use your myVCCS username and password to login. Do not change your password; it is your myVCCS login information.
Please enter first namePlease enter last namePlease enter valid email addressPlease enter usernamePlease enter valid passwordPlease confirm passwordPlease enter zipcode
You will ONLY be able to reset your password, if you created your account with an email address.
Enter your username below and click 'CONTINUE'.
Counselors, if you did not set up your own account or did not link your current account with your current email address, ask your district administrator to reset your password.
VCCS students, use your MyVCCS password to login or reset it at